Friday, August 10, 2012

Economy vs Environment

 The article Texas Insider Report suggest the possibility of the Keystone Pipeline being an option for President Obama in the event that he wins a second term. The question is whether or not the project would be environmentally safe. The Keystone Pipeline would be used to transfer toxic tar sands from Canada to the Gulf Coast in order to be refined into oil and then exported. Critics of this project state that it could have a devastating negative effect on the environment. In fact according to the NRDC, Tar sands oil is not only difficult, costly and energy-intensive to produce but also dirtier and more corrosive than conventional oil. Leaks and spills threaten rivers, aquifers and communities all along the route.However supporters of the project push that the Pipeline will, on the positive side, generate more jobs. Frankly I think that destroying or at the very least putting the environment at risk in order to create more jobs and strengthen our economy is senseless. As it is currently we are dealing with some heavy issues concerning the future of our environment and we should be taking steps to finding solutions on how to restore the damages done and not making things worse.  Also as stated by the U.S. State Department the majority of the jobs created would be only temporary so the keystone Pipeline as a solution to our unemployment and economy would be pointless. If our goal is to improve our economy then we should do so by investing in finding more innovative environmentally safe resources. I would think this would be an ongoing process and would generate permanent jobs.  

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